2012年1月19日 星期四

!amli lc

The !amli lc extension lists all active ACPI contexts.

 Ctxt=fffffa8001c87000, ThID=0000000000000000, Flgs=---C-----, pbOp=fffffa8001bfc229, Obj=\_SB.PCI0.VGA.ATCS

We can find the ACPI control method of VGA device is running...We can use !amli u to check more detail what ACPI code is running

1: kd> !amli u fffffa8001bfc225
AMLI_DBGERR: Failed to get address of ACPI!gDebugger
AMLI_DBGERR: Failed to get address of ACPI!gDebugger

fffffa8001bfc225 : Sleep(0x1e)
fffffa8001bfc229 : While(And(A008, Local1, AMLI_DBGERR: UnAsmSuperName: invalid SuperName - 0x0a

