The !errlog extension displays the contents of any pending entries in the I/O system's error log.
Only entries that were queued by IoWriteErrorLogEntry but have not been committed to the error log will be displayed.
This command can be used as a diagnostic aid after a system crash because it reveals pending error information that was unable to be committed to the error log before the system halted.
fffff800`02d5de64 803d96b9110000 cmp byte ptr [nt!IopErrorLogSessionPending (fffff800`02e79801)],0
fffff800`02d5de6b 488b05e6c21100 mov rax,qword ptr [nt!IopErrorLogListHead+0x8 (fffff800`02e7a158)]
fffff800`02d5de72 488d4b08 lea rcx,[rbx+8]
fffff800`02d5de76 48894310 mov qword ptr [rbx+10h],rax
fffff800`02d5de7a 488d15cfc21100 lea rdx,[nt!IopErrorLogListHead (fffff800`02e7a150)]
fffff800`02d5de81 488911 mov qword ptr [rcx],rdx
fffff800`02d5de84 488908 mov qword ptr [rax],rcx
fffff800`02d5de87 48890dcac21100 mov qword ptr [nt!IopErrorLogListHead+0x8 (fffff800`02e7a158)],rcx
fffff800`02d5de8e 7533 jne nt!IoWriteErrorLogEntry+0x173 (fffff800`02d5dec3)
Index: DEBUG_DATA_IopErrorLogListHeadAddr Returns the address of the kernel variable IopErrorLogListHead.